How to Know When Your Soil Needs Help

When you're picturing a beautiful garden that flourishes, it's easy to forget that your success heavily relies on having great soil. Even with a lot of love and care, poor soil can soon put a stop to your gardening plans. Understanding when your soil needs help and what to do for it can reduce a lot of your frustration. Poor Drainage When your soil doesn't drain properly, your plants will struggle to thrive. Read More 

Common Mistakes to Avoid Regarding Mulch Delivery

You should keep in mind a couple of things when landscaping a lawn, and mulch is one of them. Mulch plays a vital role in your lawn's health since it provides nutrients, retains moisture, and improves soil aeration. Today, local suppliers can deliver mulch to your doorstep, saving you time and money. However, mulch delivery is not as straightforward as you might think, and mistakes can affect your landscaping results. This article highlights the top mistakes to avoid when organising mulch delivery. Read More 

How To Purchase Building Products For A Landscaping Project

When creating your landscape, you will need a wide range of building products to build your drainages, pavements, landscape installations, and decks. Below is a guide detailing the considerations to make when purchasing building products for your landscaping project.  Determine The Required Materials Consult with your landscaper or home builder to determine the required materials. Typically, you will need to conduct a cost-benefit analysis when choosing one material over the other. Read More 

Choosing The Best Mulch For Your Vegetable Beds

Mulch can serve several purposes including suppressing weed growth, retaining moisture in the soil and altering the temperature of the soil. Mulch can be used to help optimise the growing environment for your vegetable plants, but there are several types of mulch available and some are more suitable than others when growing vegetables. Mulch can be split into two broad categories. Organic mulch consists of natural and biodegradable materials, such as straw, shredded leaves, grass clippings, compost and hay. Read More 

A Guide on Planning Landscaping Works.

Are you contemplating a landscaping project at home? The secret to a successful landscape restoration project is adequate planning. Map Out Your Compound Draw a rough sketch of your compound. On it, indicate the location of the house and any installations such as the gate, driveway and fence. On your map, indicate where you would want to plant grass, trees and shrubs. Map out areas where you would want to put up swimming pools, gazebos and decks. Read More